Saturday, April 9, 2011

My photos have been rather random lately due to the fact that there has been no movement on the tiny house. So I could not resist taking a photo of these lovely cherry blossom trees up the street from me that I marvel at every year when they come to blossom.... photo worthy I think.

Having said that I had a family friend come over on Thursday to consult me on the wiring for the tiny house. I did most of it in the fall time with the help of my neighbor but he is very busy these days with bee keeping and I don't always want to bother him so I thought I could do the rest myself. Well.... This part of the project is hard for me to wrap my brain around. Yes yes, I know that this is probably easy for a lot of you but this is something I don't want to mess with.... maybe my next tiny home.

I haven't seen the quote yet but he did say he would give me a deal being family and all.... yikes. So I think I've decided to higher him to get the job done right and get things moving.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

OK so here is the latest.
I started a new job one day a week at a local garden center just to add a bit more busyness to my life. It's located in a nice little neighborhood and has that boutique kind of feel. With the extra cash it will help get my tiny house done and get my little store up and running.

Last Sunday I was in a spring craft market so for the last few weeks my time has been devoted to sewing like crazy as well as tending to my mom and the rest of the family.

My neighbor managed to find a sub panel at a house that is going to be torn down just the next block over from here. So now I just need to figure out how I'm going to wire it up to the main house.... I need to consult an expert.

I think the warm weather is on it's way so it's hight time I get back at it.