Saturday, April 9, 2011

My photos have been rather random lately due to the fact that there has been no movement on the tiny house. So I could not resist taking a photo of these lovely cherry blossom trees up the street from me that I marvel at every year when they come to blossom.... photo worthy I think.

Having said that I had a family friend come over on Thursday to consult me on the wiring for the tiny house. I did most of it in the fall time with the help of my neighbor but he is very busy these days with bee keeping and I don't always want to bother him so I thought I could do the rest myself. Well.... This part of the project is hard for me to wrap my brain around. Yes yes, I know that this is probably easy for a lot of you but this is something I don't want to mess with.... maybe my next tiny home.

I haven't seen the quote yet but he did say he would give me a deal being family and all.... yikes. So I think I've decided to higher him to get the job done right and get things moving.